Tina’s #WhenYouKnow Story

“Struggling with an addiction is not a choice like everybody thinks it is. It’s very stigmatized. It is no different than suffering from diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer. And once you can wrap your mind around that and truly educate yourself, you’ll be able to support the person that you love.”

“  I was supposed to be this person who had it all together. But once I started owning my story, things really started changing.”

When Tina Brown first began her struggle with alcoholism, she didn’t really believe she had a problem. She thought she could cut back and handle it on her own. However, her body started failing and the choices she made caught up to her.

After ending up in court-ordered treatment, she found sobriety, but a small part of her still wasn’t sure if she was done with alcohol for good.

Her turning point was realizing that she was doing a disservice to herself by not owning her story, by not admitting that she needed the help.

Watch: Tina’s Story

Tina is a person in long term recovery from alcohol, however, she wasn’t always convinced that she needed help or that she’d be able to quit drinking on her own. Throughout her journey, she learned the importance of owning your story and educating yourself about the disease of addiction.

Hear her story below.